
It’s online the new Compagnucci website

It is a few days since the publication of the new website compagnucci.it: a site completely revisited both in graphics and content. As an indispensable tool for communication, the new site reflects the image of a company increasingly attentive to quality and functionality. Also this time, a great teamwork!


Here are the new Jensen catalogs!

Just this morning we received some copies of the new Jensen catalogs. It is always exciting to touch and browse our design, feel the smell of just printed paper and appreciate the work we have done as a team. A great way to end the week!


Here are some of our news.

It's an activity we already could perform, but we decided to engage ourselves to improve our skills. So, after some days of intense and profitable training, we are ready to show you the result of our work. Does it look like a photograph? Actually it's a high quality rendering. An investment in training that gives bounce to our professionalism and allows us to offer a more complete service.