
Best Wishes!

Hopes, desires and a touch of madness ... With these values We wish you Happy Holidays. We got them tight for the new year. The Studio Brugiatelli design will be closed from December 24th to January 6th 2015.


The importance of looking good!

The Capitani Minuterie Metalliche is an example of how even a company that operates in the technical sector can and should show up in the best way: year after year, instrument by instrument, all the corporate image of this company has been designed to communicate quality , professionalism and reliability. For us who have made this principle a trade, the sensitivity and the constancy of Captani is a source of great satisfaction and Pride. So, thanking Michele, we want to thank all customers who give justice to our work!


A real teamwork!

Each year, the month of December sees the release of the two catalogs Deahome and Toomax by the company Plastmeccanica S.p.A. Those that we show have just been delivered: a job that involved under many aspects our whole team and that allowed us to refresh and put into practice the old saying "unity is strength"! What do you think?


"Taste" is not just a matter of palate

Who will choose as Christmas present the wines Alberto Quacquarini, will make a gift of quality, with an excellent presentation: in fact this year the company decided to carry out a new series of packaging, which we customized with minimal graphics, enhanced by the use of gold.
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