

Communicate the company identity is not a task reserved only for traditional brochures, but the company itself, within it, must convey all those principles that represent it, its history and its strengths. It's the case of VBT, for which we have designed a series of panels that customize the different rooms for offices and reception areas.


BIT 2011

International Tourism Exchange is a must for the Italian and world tourist industry. This year we are there, with the communication tools of two major representatives of the quality tourism of Marche region: Grotte di Frasassi and le Grotte hotel&spa. We have worked with great satisfaction to these projects, proud to live in a territory that offers endless possibilities for tourism and culture and that has nothing to envy to the most renowned regions.


A quality tourism

The Consorzio Frasassi, in collaboration with Legambiente Scuola e Formazione, has started the project "Frasassi. Capital of quality scholastic tourism", three workshops designed to strengthen the bond with children and the environment, that integrate the traditional and established cultural-touristic offer of the Grotte di Frasassi. Another way to learn even more of a reality so close to us and so surprising as the Grotte di Frasassi.